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At first glance this seems quite complicated, but let's break it down bit by bit. Each line begins with a row marker: <pre>|-</pre>
Each column within a row begins with the vertical bar <pre>|</pre>

Revision as of 22:37, 27 August 2009

How to edit this wiki

Basic wiki editing

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  1. How to edit a pre-existing page
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For more advanced editing tips, see: the Mediawiki Help page.

Editing pages in the poem

The Waltharius is encoded as a table, with each row in the table representing a line, and each column of the table representing a different piece of data.

Let's look at the first two lines in detail:

===Introduction: the Huns (1–12)===
|[[Tertia]] [[pars]] [[orbis1|orbis]], [[fratres]], [[Europa]] [[vocatur]],
|{{Commentary|''Tertia pars orbis'': as opposed to Africa and Asia, a division found as early as Herodotus (2.16).<br />
''Fratres'': suggests that the poem could have been read in a monastic context.
|{{Parallel|Lucan, '' De Bello Civili'' 9.411-412.: ''Tertia pars rerum Libye, si credere famae/Cuncta velis; at, si ventos caelumque sequaris,/Pars erit Europae''.
‘Libya is the third continent of the world, if one is willing in all things to trust report;
but, if you judge by the winds and the sky, you will find it to be part of Europe.’
|[[Moribus]] [[ac]] [[linguis]] [[varias]] [[et]] [[nomine]] [[gentes]]
|{{Parallel|''Aeneid'' 8.722-723.: ''gentes,/ quam variae linguis, habitu tam vestis et armis''. ‘Peoples  as diverse in fashion of dress and arms as in tongues.’  Prudentius, ''Contra Orationem Symmachi'' 2.586-587.: '' discordes linguis populos et dissona cultu/ regna volens sociare Deus''. . . ‘God, wishing to bring into partnership peoples of different speech and realms of discordant manners. . .’

At first glance this seems quite complicated, but let's break it down bit by bit. Each line begins with a row marker:


Each column within a row begins with the vertical bar
