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Tertia pars orbis, fratres, Europa vocatur,  DSSSDS   Lucan, De Bello Civili 9.411-412.: Tertia pars rerum Libye, si credere famae/ Cuncta velis; at, si ventos caelumque sequaris,/ Pars erit Europae.

‘Libya is the third continent of the world, if one is willing in all things to trust report; but, if you judge by the winds and the sky, you will find it to be part of Europe.’ 

A third part of the world is called Europe, brothers:
Moribus ac linguis varias et nomine gentes By customs, tongues and name dividing various peoples,
Distinguens cultu, tum relligione sequestrans. Then separating them by their religious practice.
Inter quas gens Pannoniae residere probatur, Among them lived the people of Pannonia,
Quam tamen et Hunos plerumque vocare solemus. 5 Whom we are generally accustomed to call Huns.
Hic populus fortis virtute vigebat et armis, This brave folk flourished both by courage and by arms;
Non circumpositas solum domitans regiones, Subduing not just those lands which surrounded theirs,
Litoris oceani sed pertransiverat oras, They had extended even to the seashore’s limits;
Foedera supplicibus donans sternensque rebelles. They granted pacts to suppliants, but crushed resisters.
Ultra millenos fertur dominarier annos. 10 They held sway, it is said, more than a thousand years.