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Waltharius, licet alonge, socium fore maestum | Alonge: cf. note on line 480.
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Attendit, clamorque simul pervenit ad aures. | Aeineid 2.81: pervenit ad aures. . . ‘It has brought to your ears. . .’ 2.119: vulgi quae vox ut venit ad auris. . . ‘When this utterance came to the ears of the crowd. . .’ 9.395-396: cum clamor ad auris/ pervenit. . . ‘When a cry reaches his ears. . .’
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Unde incursantem sic est affatus equestrem: | 880 | Aeineid 6.666: quos circumfusos sic est adfata Sibylla. ‘These as they streamed round, the Sibyl thus addressed.’
SSSSDS Elision: unde incursantem |
Accipe consilium, iuvenis clarissime, nostrum | Aeineid 1.676: nostram nunc accipe mentem. ‘Take now my thought.’
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Et te conservans melioribus utere fatis. | Aeineid 6.546: i decus, i, nostrum; melioribus utere fatis. ‘Go, you who are our glory, go; enjoy a happier fate!’ 1.207: vosmet rebus servate secundis. ‘Live for a happier day.’
SSDDDS | ||||
Desine, nam tua te fervens fiducia fallit! | DDSSDS | |||||
Heroum tot cerne neces et cede duello, | Cede equiv. to discede
SSDSDS | ||||
Ne suprema videns hostes facias mihi plures.' | 885 | SDSDDS | ||||
Quid de morte mea curas,' ait ille, 'tyranne? | Aeineid 12.48-49.: quam pro me curam geris, hanc precor, optime, pro me/ deponas. ‘The care you have on my behalf, most gracious lord, on my behalf, I pray, resign.’
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Est modo pugnandum tibimet, non sermocinandum.' | Aeneid 12.890: non cursu, saevis certandum est comminus armis. ‘Not in a race, but hand to hand with savage weapons, must we contend.’
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Dixit et in verbo nodosam destinat hastam, | Aeineid 9.743-744.: dixerat. Ille rudem nodis et cortice crudo/ intorquet summis adnixus viribus hastam; excepere aurae; vulnus Saturnia Iuno/ detorsit veniens, portaeque infigitur hasta. ‘He ended; the other, striving with all his might, hurls his spear, rough with knots and unpeeled bark. The winds received it; Saturnian Juno turned aside the coming blow, and the spear lodges in the gate.’ 6.547: tantum effatus, et in verbo. . . ‘Thus much he said and, as he spoke. . .’
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Cuspide quam propria divertens transtulit heros. | Aeineid 9.743-744.: dixerat. Ille rudem nodis et cortice crudo/ intorquet summis adnixus viribus hastam; excepere aurae; vulnus Saturnia Iuno/ detorsit veniens, portaeque infigitur hasta. ‘He ended; the other, striving with all his might, hurls his spear, rough with knots and unpeeled bark. The winds received it; Saturnian Juno turned aside the coming blow, and the spear lodges in the gate.’ 6.547: tantum effatus, et in verbo. . . ‘Thus much he said and, as he spoke. . .’
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Quae subvecta choris ac viribus acta furentis | 890 | Choris equiv. to Cauris/Coris, i.e., ventis.
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In castrum venit atque pedes stetit ante puellae. | In castrum: i.e., behind Waltharius, to the open space past the cliffs where Hiltgunt, the horses, and the treasure are.
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Ipsa metu perculsa sonum prompsit muliebrem. | Aeineid 1.513-514.: percussus Achates/ laetitiaque metuque. . . ‘Achates, thrilled with joy and fear. . .’
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At postquam tenuis redit in praecordia sanguis, | Aeineid 10.452: frigidus Arcadibus coit in praecordia sanguis. ‘Cold blood gathers at the hearts of the Arcadians.’ 2.367: redit in praecordia virtus. ‘Valour returns to the hearts.’
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Paulum suspiciens spectat, num viveret heros. | Suspiciens: in its literal sense, unlike in e.g. line 568.
SDSSDS | ||||
Tum quoque vir fortis Francum discedere bello | 895 | Francum: Patavrid
Aeineid 2.109: discedere bello. . . ‘To depart from the war. . .’
Iussit. at ille furens gladium nudavit et ipsum | Ipsum: Waltharius
Aeineid 10.474-475.: magnis emittit viribus hastam/ vaginaque cava fulgentem deripit ensem. ‘He hurls his spear with all his strength and plucks his flashing sword from its hollow scabbard.’ 9.548: ense levis nudo. . . ‘Lightly accoutred with naked sword. . .’
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Incurrens petiit vulnusque a vertice librat. | Vulnus equiv. to gladium, as often; cf. line 903 below.
Aeineid 2.529: ardens infesto vulnere. . . ‘Eager to strike. . .’ 5.436: duro crepitant sub vulnere malae. ‘Cheeks rattle under the hard strokes.’ 9.417: aliud summa telum librabat ab aure. ‘He balances another weapon close to his ear.’ 5.444: ictum venientem a vertice. . . ‘The down-coming blow. . .’
SDSSDS Elision: vulnusque a |
Alpharides parmam demum concusserat aptam | DSSSDS | |||||
Et spumantis apri frendens de more tacebat. | Aeineid 1.324: spumantis apri cursum. . . ‘The track of a foaming boar. . .’ 4.158-159.: spumantemque dari pecora inter inertia votis/ optat aprum. ‘He prays that amid the timorous herds a foaming boar may be granted to his vows.’ 10.718: dentibus infrendens. . . ‘With gnashing teeth. . .’
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Ille ferire volens se pronior omnis ad ictum | 900 | Pronior: comparative for positive, as often; cf. citius, ocius below.
Aeineid 5.147: pronique in verbera pendent. ‘They bend forward to the lash.’ 10.586: pronus pendens in verbera. . . ‘Leaning forward to the stroke. . .’
Exposuit, sed Waltharius sub tegmine flexus | Aeineid 12.491-492.: se collegit in arma/ poplite subsidens. ‘He gathered himself behind his shield, sinking upon his knee.’
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Delituit corpusque suum contraxit, et ecce | DSDSDS | |||||
Vulnere delusus iuvenis recidebat ineptus. | Aeineid 5.446-447.: Entellus vires in ventum effudit et. . .ad terram pondere vasto/ concidit. ‘Entellus spent his strength on air, and in his huge bulk fell to earth.’
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Finis erat, nisi quod genibus tellure refixis | Comments on the events of lines 900-902. Erat…accubuit…cavebat equiv. to fuisset…accubuisset…cavisset
Aeineid 1.223: et iam finis erat. ‘Now all was ended.’
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Belliger accubuit calibemque sub orbe cavebat. | 905 | Belliger: Waltharius Cavebat: transitive Orbe: sc. scuti
Aeineid 2.227: clipeique sub orbe teguntur. ‘They nestle under the circle of her shield.’
Hic dum consurgit, pariter se subrigit ille | SSDSDS | |||||
Ac citius scutum trepidus sibi praetulit atque | DSDDDS | |||||
Frustra certamen renovare parabat. at illum | SSDDDS | |||||
Alpharides fixa gladio petit ocius hasta | Fixa…hasta: he plants his spear in the ground.
Aeineid 12.130: defigunt tellure hastas. ‘They plant their spears in the earth.’ Prudentius, Psychomachia 348: defixa cuspide sistit. ‘She plants the spike in the ground.’
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Et mediam clipei dempsit vasto impete partem, | 910 | Impete equiv. to impetus. The archaic form is not in Virgil but is frequent in Lucretius.
Aeineid 10.484-485: vibranti cuspis medium transverberat ictu/ loricaeque moras et pectus perforat ingens. ‘With quivering stroke the point tears through the centre of the shield; then pierces the corslet’s barrier and the mighty breast.’ Ovid, Metapmorphoses 8.359: certo (vasto) sic impete. . . ‘So with irresistable force. . .’ 3.79: inpete nunc vasto. . . “Now with a huge rush. . .’ Prudentius, Apotheosis 65: magno impete. . . ‘With mighty power. . .’
DDSSDS Elision: vasto impete |
Hamatam resecans loricam atque ilia nudans. | Hamatam: i.e., made of chain maille
Aeineid 3.467: loricam consertam hamis. . . ‘A breastplate woven with hooks. . .’ Aeineid 1.211: viscera nudant. ‘They lay bare the flesh.’
SDSSDS Elision: lorica atque; atque ilia |
Labitur infelix Patavrid sua viscera cernens | Aeineid 5.329; Georgics 3.498: labitur infelix. ‘He falls, luckless one.’
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Silvestrique ferae corpus, animam dedit Orco. | Chiastic arrangement.
Aeneid 10.559: alitibus linquere feris. ‘You will be left for the birds of prey.’ 2.398: multos Danaum demittimus Orco. ‘Many a Greek we send down to Orcus.’ 9.527: quem quisque virum demiserit Orco . .. ‘Whom each warrior sent down to doom.’ 9.785: iuvenum primos tot miserit Orco? ‘Shall he send down to death so many of our noblest youths?’
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