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Hildegund sees the Franks approaching and wakes Walther, who calms her fears and prepares for battle; he recognizes Hagen from a distance (532–571)
At procul aspiciens Hiltgunt de vertice montis | Aeineid 5.35: at procul ex celso miratus vertice montis . .. ‘But afar off, on a high hilltop, he marvels. . .’
DDSSDS | ||||
Pulvere sublato venientes sensit et ipsum | DSDSDS | |||||
Waltharium placido tactu vigilare monebat. | DDSDDS | |||||
Qui caput attollens scrutatur, si quis adiret. | 535 | Aeineid 9.682: attollunt capita. ‘They raise their heads.’
DSSSDS | |||
Eminus illa refert quandam volitare phalangem. | DDSDDS | |||||
Ipse oculos tersos somni glaucomate purgans | Prudentius, Hamartigenia 85: nisi sub glaucomate. . . ‘Unless his vision were obscured. . .’ 90. Est glaucoma, aciem quod tegmine velet aquoso. ‘There is a cataract that veils the mind’s eye with a watery film.’
DSSSDS Elision: ipse oculos |
Paulatim rigidos ferro vestiverat artus | Aeineid 12.87-106.
SDSSDS | ||||
Atque gravem rursus parmam collegit et hastam | Aeineid 12.87-106.
DSSSDS | ||||
Et saliens vacuas ferro transverberat auras | 540 | Aeineid 5.377: verberat ictibus auras. ‘He lashes the air with blows.’ 12.592: vacuas. . .auras. . . ‘The empty air. . .’
DDSSDS | |||
Et celer ad pugnam telis prolusit amaram. | Georgics 3.233-234.; 12.105-106..: ventosque lacessit/ ictibus, et sparsa ad pugnam proludit harena. ‘He lashes the winds with blows, and paws the sand in prelude for the fray.’
DSSSDS | ||||
Comminus ecce coruscantes mulier videt hastas | Aeineid 12.431: hastamque coruscat. ‘He brandishes his spear.’
DDSDDS | ||||
Ac stupefacta nimis: 'Hunos hic' inquit 'habemus,' | DDSSDS | |||||
In terramque cadens effatur talia tristis: | Aeineid 10.523: genua amplectens effatur talia supplex. ‘Clasping the hero’s knees, he speaks thus in supplication.’
SDSSDS | ||||
Obsecro, mi senior, gladio mea colla secentur, | 545 | Prudentius, Contra Orationem Symmachi 2.676-677.: undantesque meum in gremium defundere mortes/ et. . .non noxia colla secare . . . ‘Pouring a flood of deaths into my lap and cutting off innocent heads. . .’
DDDDDS | |||
Ut, quae non merui pacto thalamo sociari, | Aeineid 10.649: thalamos ne desere pactos. ‘Forsake not your plighted marriage.’ 9.594: thalamo sociatus habebat. ‘He had won [her] as a bride.’
SDSDDS | ||||
Nullius ulterius patiar consortia carnis.' | DDDSDS | |||||
Tum iuvenis: 'cruor innocuus me tinxerit?' inquit | Prudentius, Psychomachia 501: et fors innocuo tinxisset sanguine ferrum. ‘And perchance she would have dipped her steel in their innocent blood.’
DDDSDS | ||||
Et: 'quo forte modo gladius potis est inimicos | SDDDDS | |||||
Sternere, tam fidae si nunc non parcit amicae? | 550 | DSSSDS | ||||
Absit quod rogitas, mentis depone pavorem. | Aeineid 12.48-49.: quam pro me curam geris, hanc precor, optime, pro me/ deponas. ‘The care you have on my behalf, most gracious lord, on my behalf, I pray, resign.’
SDSSDS | ||||
Qui me de variis eduxit saepe periclis, | Qui equiv. to gladius, or perhaps Deus.
Epistula ad Corinthios II 1.10: qui de tantis periculis eripuit nos. . . ‘Who hath delivered us out of so many dangers. . . Liber Deuteronomii 8.14: qui eduxit te de terra Aegypti de domo servitutis. . . ‘Who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. . .’
SDSSDS | |||
Hic valet hic hostes, credo, confundere nostros.' | DSSSDS | |||||
Haec ait atque oculos tollens effatur ad ipsam: | DDSSDS Elision: atque oculos |
Non assunt Avares hic, sed Franci nebulones, | 555 | Nebulones: “wind-bags, good-for-nothings.” The insult plays on both the bad reputation of the Franks and the cloud (nebula) of dust they are making as they advance. Grimm thought that the word was a Latinization of the German Nibelung, originally meaning “dwarf” and later applied to members of the Burgundian royalty; Althof calls this interpretation “extremely improbable.”
SDSSDS | |||
Cultores regionis,' et en galeam Haganonis | Cultores regionis: not “farmers” but “the local inhabitants,” i.e., the Franks, correcting Hiltgunt’s assumption that the Huns were pursuing them (line 543).
SDDDDS Hiatus: galeam Haganonis |
Aspicit et noscens iniunxit talia ridens: | DSSSDS | |||||
Et meus hic socius Hagano collega veternus.' | DDDSDS | |||||
Hoc heros dicto introitum stationis adibat, | Introitum stationis: the cleft described in line 495; cf. porta (line 561).
SSDDDS Elision: dicto introitum |
Inferius stanti praedicens sic mulieri: | 560 | Inferius stanti: “standing farther back”
DSSSDS | |||
Hac coram porta verbum modo iacto superbum: | Liber Iob 18.2: usque ad quem finem verba iactabitis? ‘How long will you throw out words?’
SSSDDS | ||||
Hinc nullus rediens uxori dicere Francus | SDSSDS | |||||
Praesumet se impune gazae quid tollere tantae.' | Quid equiv. to aliquid, with partitive genitive.
SSDSDS Elision: se impune |
Necdum sermonem complevit, humotenus ecce | Liber Deuteronomii 32.45: conplevitque omnes sermones istos. ‘And he ended all these words.’ Liber Regum II 9.6: corruit in faciem. ‘He fell on his face.’
SSSDDS | ||||
Corruit et veniam petiit, quia talia dixit. | 565 | Veniam petiit: i.e., from God, for his proud boast.
DDDDDS | |||
Postquam surrexit, contemplans cautius omnes: | SSSSDS | |||||
Horum quos video nullum Haganone remoto | Haganone remoto: “with the exception of Hagen”
SDSDDS Hiatus: nullum Haganone |
Suspicio: namque ille meos per proelia mores | Suspicio equiv. to metuo
DSDSDS Elision: namque ille |
Iam didicit, tenet hic etiam sat callidus artem. | Ovid, Matamorphoses 13.323: aliqua producet callidus arte. ‘By some shrewd trick he will bring him to us.’
DDDSDS | ||||
Quam si forte volente deo intercepero solam, | 570 | Quam…solem: Hagen’s artem, i.e., his skill in fighting. Intercepero: “thwart”
Aeineid 1.303: volente deo. . . ‘With God willing it. . .’
SDDSDS Elision: deo intercepero |
Tunc' ait 'ex pugna tibi, Hiltgunt sponsa, reservor.' | Aeineid 4.368: quae me ad maiora reservo? ‘For what greater wrongs do I hold myself back?’
DSDSDS Hiatus: tibi Hiltgunt |
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