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(The warriors return to their respective homes; Walther marries Hildegund and eventually becomes king of the Aquitainians (1443–1452))
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|[[his5|His]] [[dictis]] [[pactum]] [[renovant]] [[iterato]] [[coactum]]
|[[his5|Hist]] [[dictis]] [[pactum]] [[renovant]] [[iterato]] [[coactum]]

Revision as of 00:06, 26 June 2020

The warriors return to their respective homes; Walther marries Hildegund and eventually becomes king of the Aquitainians (1443–1452)

Hist dictis pactum renovant iterato coactum  SSDDDS 
Atque simul regem tollentes valde dolentem  DSSSDS 
Imponunt equiti et sic disiecti redierunt 1445  Disiecti equiv. to diverse


Elision: equiti et
Franci Wormatiam patriamque Aquitanus adivit.  
Wormatiam: Worms
Elision: patriamque Aquitanus
Illic gratifice magno susceptus honore  SDSSDS 
Publica Hiltgundi fecit sponsalia rite  DSSSDS 
Omnibus et carus post mortem obitumque parentis  DSSDDS
Elision: mortem obitumque
Ter denis populum rexit feliciter annis. 1450  Rexit ter denis…annis: like Ascanius in the Aeneid


Qualia bella dehinc vel quantos saepe triumphos  DDSSDS 
Ceperit, ecce stilus renuit signare retunsus.  Stilus: figurative language for the quill that would probably have been used to write on parchment?


 Aeineid 3.287: rem carmine signo. ‘I mark the even with a verse.’



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